
We seek persons interested in fundamental and applied global change ecology/biology. Undergraduate and graduate students: please email me with a CV .

Mitzy Porras

Team leader. Assistant professor, Dpt. Biology. San Francisco State University

Paula E. Ceballos

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

Her concentration is Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology. Her research focuses on studying the effects of drought on rice growth.

Viviana Rios

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

She is specializing in Zoology under her BSc in Biology, dedicates her research to exploring the effecs of heat waves on the interaction between aphids and lettuce.

Jenny Hoffmann

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology.

Her concentration is Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation, she is dedicated to understanding the impacts of heat on the interaction between sugar beet leafhopper and early girl tomato.

Miguel Cabrera

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

He is an undergraduate researcher with emphasis on Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation. He is currently focused on studying the microbial community associated with Cheetgrass. Miguel is co-mentored by Diana Gamba, who can be found at

Lioh Arthur Jaboeuf

Visiting Undergraduate researcher

Lioh Arthur Jaboeuf explores the impact of drought and heat waves on Heirloom tomatoes.

Jason Rittenbach

Undergraduate researcher. BSc. Biology

He is an Undergraduate researcher with a BSc. in Ecology, Evolution, and Environmental Science. His research topic focuses on studying the impacts of heat waves on German Johnson tomato and thrips.

Brenda Penaloza

Undergraduate researcher

Laura Clifton Byrne

Graduate researcher. Integrative Biology.

Her research focuses on the effects of drought and pharmaceutical contamination on aphid-faba bean interaction.

Mónica Medina

Collaborator/ Marine ecology, Professor, Pennsylvania State University

James Marden

Collaborator/ Biology, Professor, Pennsylvania State University

Carlos Navas

Collaborator/ Evolutionary physiology, Professor, Universtity of Sao Paulo

Jesper Givskov Sørensen

Collaborator/ Evolution, Professor, Aarhus University

Sylavain Pincebourde

Collaborator/ Biophysical ecology, Tours University

Tomás López


Michael Hrncir

Collaborator/ Animal physiology, Professor, University of Sao Paulo

Juan Antonio Raygoza

Collaborator/ Researcher, University of Iowa

Geo Santiago-Martinez

Collaborator/ Molecular and cell biology, University of Connecticut

Clemencia Rojas

Collaborator/ Associate professor, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Salvador Meza

Collaborator/Fruitfly Mexican Program. Metapa de Domínguez Chiapas,Mexico

Alejandro Rojas

Collaborator/ Michigan State University

Rodrigo Pinzon

Science & Rock Fest C.E.O.

Río Ñambi Natural Reserve


Planetario de Bogotá-Idartes